Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Alarming Fire Alarm

We are really liking our new apartment, the space is great and Bennett warmed up to it right away. There is a bit of a down side, but we were warned ahead of time by some friends of ours who live on a different floor. There are 2 alarms in this complex, one inside your apt and one for the general building located in the hallways. They're very sensitive too, open your door to air your apt out while cooking and it'll set them off. And they can't be turned off until the fire department comes to look into it. So we're careful to not to that.

We were awakened around 4am Sunday morning by the fire alarm. We're not talking about beeps, we're talking about the kind of fire alarms you hear in school buildings. I quickly ran around our apt thinking it was in our apt before noticing the alarms in the courtyard flashing instead of ours. We took Bennett into the bathroom because it blocked some of the noise. He was shaking pretty badly. We bundled up and headed out the door to get away from the noise. As we were heading for the stairs, we came across the firemen. They asked us some general questions but not too many because it was really obvious that their uniforms, masks, axes, and hatchets were really freaking Bennett out. So we took a little drive and waited across the road for about 2 hours til the alarm was turned off and the trucks left. Amazingly, Bennett was able to go back to sleep right away and spent most of the day resting on and off. What a little trooper.

1 comment:

Jen,Judd, and Brenton said...

Oh my gosh that sucks bad! Has it gone off anymore? That would scare me half to death in the middle of the night.