Saturday, August 7, 2010

Learning how to use the Spoon

We're in the process of teaching Bennett how to use a spoon. So here's a video of that. Its great because it shows his own unique style before starting to get it, as well as how talkative he is now. He doesn't say many words, but loves to babble on and on and on and on...while running laps around the apartment. He's sure to have a field day in our new place! We're trying to introduce the cup as well. I caught him drinking from a cup that I use to rinse his hair during bath time. Can't be more ready than that! But while drinking tub water is easy, its a little harder to grasp the concept outside the tub. Yesterday he looked at it (I only fill it a little), dumped it on his lap, gasped in surprise, and promptly pushed the cup away. For the rest of the day he rejected the cup. Kind of made me want to laugh, how he "blamed" the cup for the accident he intentionally caused! But that's a 20 month old for you, I suppose.

1 comment:

Leslie Sigler said...

That so sounds like Little Mac, except he puts food in his cup, instead of dumpinit on his lap