Sunday, August 1, 2010

August Update

Bennett is nearly 20 months old now, and we've been reading the Book of Mormon Reader to him. For those of you who don't know what it is, its basically the Book of Mormon designed for little kids. There are pictures and the text is simplified so they can understand it. Its more designed for school-age children, but he loves it just the same.

Yesterday he got it out and I offered to read it to him. I just read him a short story and afterwards he folded his arms for a prayer. I was a little surprised, partly because we don't normally pray after reading, but more for the fact that he initiated it. We've been teaching him how to pray for a few months now. And normally the scenario goes: We say, "Fold your arms for prayer time." He folds his arms with a smile. During the prayer, we can hear him moving his hands around, then when we open our eyes, he not-so-quickly folds them again. Its funny how he thinks he's fooling us. But now it looks like he's going to be more cooperative during prayer time.

As for nursery, he's doing so much better! He cries when we leave or when I have to take him out to change him, but not when I have to leave for a few minutes. There are 3 other kids, so its pretty small, but plenty of toys for them all. Some of the kids are a year older and play mainly with their imagination. One offered Bennett a "waffle" that they had made and held it out for him. Bennett had no idea what was going on. So he's not at that stage yet, but I'm sure it'll be a blast when he does get there.

We're beginning to pack up, we move in less than 3 weeks to our new 2 bedroom apt. As excited as I am for Bennett having his own room, I think I'm going to miss having him sleep right next to us. But its really time for him to have his own room. Hopefully the packing goes well, that we'll get enough help to move (I'm sure as heck not lifting any boxes when I'm 6 months pregnant!), and that Bennett will transition well. Its really nice that our little girl isn't due for a few more months. It'd be too much for Bennett to have to adjust to the new place as well as a new sibling. Andrew will be starting his fall classes at the end of this month. He's excited to be back in school after a lazy summer. Time off is fun, but it can be pretty boring sometimes too.

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