Its a good thing I posted some Christmas things earlier, seeing as its taken us this long to finish! But in my defense, we've had a rough couple of weeks. Bennett really enjoyed all of his presents this year, favoring the big construction trucks and the bubble-blowing lawn mower the most. We also had Andrew's family come for the weekend. It was fun seeing everyone and hopefully they had fun in our tiny apartment. They were also able to help participate in Zoë's baby blessing on the 26th. Zoë started to cry during it, every father's nightmare, and was made a little more dramatic when I had to hold Bennett back from rushing to her side with verbal outbursts such as: "Uh oh!" "Baby" and "Help!" It was pretty funny.
Here's the holiday montage highlight:
Playing video games

Reading a book with Aunt Marlowe while wearing Monster pjs

Our Christmas mermaid

Present from Grammie Harvey

Yay for new toys!
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