Thursday, December 22, 2011
December 2011

Thursday, July 14, 2011
Pool Party
4th of July Pictures
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Summer in Vermont!
The Hayes family have all been having a blast during the first two weeks of our summer trip to Vermont to visit Lauren's Mom and Dad. The Harvey house is noisier and fuller than it has been for quite a while--but the kids are loving it and I think Grammy and Grampy Harvey are, too.
Lauren has been having a great time showing the kids off to some of her old friends in the ward and spending time visiting with people she hasn't seen in several years. The week we got here, we took the kids and visited the K-12 school she graduated from and let the kids meet some of her old teachers, which was kind of fun. We were also able to visit her favorite restaurant, House of Tang, which has a great Chinese buffet. She, Rita, and her grandmother were also able to spend a day in Burlington shopping and were able to go out to lunch together, while Daddy and Allyn took care of the kids.
I'm enjoying myself quite a bit, too. I've been able to do a little cooking for Lauren's family and that's been fun, and I've also been able to play the piano a little bit, which has been awesome (Scott Joplin ragtime music sounds really good on their plonky old piano). I've also discovered croquet, which is pretty much the greatest outdoor activity ever invented and absolutely perfect for somebody who is allergic to physical exercise like I am ;).
Zoë is growing up too quickly--she crawled for the first time the day before we left Boise and now she gets into EVERYTHING. She crawls around underneath the table, under the couch in the living room, and pretty much everywhere else looking for new and exciting things to put in her mouth. She also has gone quickly from crawling to pulling herself up on things and trying to stand, which is really amazing at 7 mos. old. She has also adjusted really well to being held a lot, which is great, since she is so beautiful that everyone who sees her just wants to pick her up and give her a squeeze.
Bennett is probably having the best time of all. He loves being in Grammy and Grampy's house and has had a blast once he got used to all the strange people. He especially loves Grammy's two kitties, Tigger and Shadow (whom he calls "kiggo" and "shatto"). In fact, he loves them a little too much--he always wants to get right up in their faces and touch them, and he pulls on their tails. We've had to constantly keep him away from Tigger, who doesn't like people much and who has hissed at him a few times. Luckily he has only been scratched once (sometimes Tigger swipes at him without using his claws and just gives him a warning tap). He also has developed his vocabulary a lot more and is starting to be more understandable. He has developed a fascination with fans, wheels, and anything else that spins--he'll point at the fan and say "the fan is pinnin', Daddy!". Lauren asked him what he wanted to pray about the other night and he even said "My ears are pinnin'", so they prayed that his ears would stop spinning. It was pretty cute. He loves to "play" on Grammy's old piano, which he calls "playing the pino", and he also loves all balls--which he always calls "soccer balls", no matter what kind of ball it is. Grammy bought him one the first week we were here and he plays with it almost constantly (whenever he's not tormenting the kitty). He also discovered the joys of the swing Grammy set up for him in her yard, and it's his new favorite thing to do outside. I confess I also love it because he loves me to push him on it--in fact, if anyone else tries to give him a push, he yells for his Daddy, which kind of melts me. He doesn't know how to talk about himself, so when I say "Do you want me to push you?", then he says "Yes Daddy, push you!". He's getting so big so fast, that it's hard to believe that when we moved to Boise he was only Zoë's age. Grammy and Grampy Harvey love having him around, and I'm sure that it'll be a little hard for us all to pack up and go home when August finally rolls around.
Anyway, that's it for the long awaited update--hope it's not too long to read. At the bottom you can see a movie of Bennett playing on Grammy's swing. Hope everybody's doing well and that you're all gearing up for a great Fourth in a couple of weeks!
Lauren has been having a great time showing the kids off to some of her old friends in the ward and spending time visiting with people she hasn't seen in several years. The week we got here, we took the kids and visited the K-12 school she graduated from and let the kids meet some of her old teachers, which was kind of fun. We were also able to visit her favorite restaurant, House of Tang, which has a great Chinese buffet. She, Rita, and her grandmother were also able to spend a day in Burlington shopping and were able to go out to lunch together, while Daddy and Allyn took care of the kids.
I'm enjoying myself quite a bit, too. I've been able to do a little cooking for Lauren's family and that's been fun, and I've also been able to play the piano a little bit, which has been awesome (Scott Joplin ragtime music sounds really good on their plonky old piano). I've also discovered croquet, which is pretty much the greatest outdoor activity ever invented and absolutely perfect for somebody who is allergic to physical exercise like I am ;).
Zoë is growing up too quickly--she crawled for the first time the day before we left Boise and now she gets into EVERYTHING. She crawls around underneath the table, under the couch in the living room, and pretty much everywhere else looking for new and exciting things to put in her mouth. She also has gone quickly from crawling to pulling herself up on things and trying to stand, which is really amazing at 7 mos. old. She has also adjusted really well to being held a lot, which is great, since she is so beautiful that everyone who sees her just wants to pick her up and give her a squeeze.
Bennett is probably having the best time of all. He loves being in Grammy and Grampy's house and has had a blast once he got used to all the strange people. He especially loves Grammy's two kitties, Tigger and Shadow (whom he calls "kiggo" and "shatto"). In fact, he loves them a little too much--he always wants to get right up in their faces and touch them, and he pulls on their tails. We've had to constantly keep him away from Tigger, who doesn't like people much and who has hissed at him a few times. Luckily he has only been scratched once (sometimes Tigger swipes at him without using his claws and just gives him a warning tap). He also has developed his vocabulary a lot more and is starting to be more understandable. He has developed a fascination with fans, wheels, and anything else that spins--he'll point at the fan and say "the fan is pinnin', Daddy!". Lauren asked him what he wanted to pray about the other night and he even said "My ears are pinnin'", so they prayed that his ears would stop spinning. It was pretty cute. He loves to "play" on Grammy's old piano, which he calls "playing the pino", and he also loves all balls--which he always calls "soccer balls", no matter what kind of ball it is. Grammy bought him one the first week we were here and he plays with it almost constantly (whenever he's not tormenting the kitty). He also discovered the joys of the swing Grammy set up for him in her yard, and it's his new favorite thing to do outside. I confess I also love it because he loves me to push him on it--in fact, if anyone else tries to give him a push, he yells for his Daddy, which kind of melts me. He doesn't know how to talk about himself, so when I say "Do you want me to push you?", then he says "Yes Daddy, push you!". He's getting so big so fast, that it's hard to believe that when we moved to Boise he was only Zoë's age. Grammy and Grampy Harvey love having him around, and I'm sure that it'll be a little hard for us all to pack up and go home when August finally rolls around.
Anyway, that's it for the long awaited update--hope it's not too long to read. At the bottom you can see a movie of Bennett playing on Grammy's swing. Hope everybody's doing well and that you're all gearing up for a great Fourth in a couple of weeks!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Zoë sitting up
Zoë has been sitting up since April 29th. We put an egg crate mattress (what you put under your sleeping bag while camping) under her so that when she falls it won't be so painful. She is doing very well with it, but still prefers to spend time on her stomach.
Bennett often pull out the mattress, spreads it out on the floor, pats it and says "patiss sittin' Zoë." Then they sometimes play together, which is usually playing solo but side by side, and other times he lets her pull on his hair and face. What is so strange is that this often reduces him to tears because she pulls and scratches, unaware of her strength. When this happens, he holds still, doesn't try to hit her or pull back. He sort of endures it. That's when we have to pull them apart. I'm glad he doesn't hit her, but you'd think he'd try to defend himself a little more.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Easter Pictures

Grandma and Grandpa Hayes sent some pretty fun things for Easter. Zoë got a fancy Easter dress and Bennett got a really cute matching polo shirt and shorts set. Both were a little big on them, which is fantastic because I plan on them wearing them a lot! They also got a bunny that sings while flapping its ears around. Bennett loves to hold it against his face so the ears hit him.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Zoë saying Mama?
Zoë is very different than her brother in most regards, but in this instance, she's doing the same thing. Before Bennett could say "Mama" consistently, he used to only say it when he was whining or upset. And it would appear that Zoë is doing the same thing. At least I think she's saying "Mama", its either that or something very close to it. Sorry the video is shaky towards the end, Bennett crawled into my lap while I was filming.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
New Zoë Pictures
Here are some new pictures of our 5 mth old. We just discovered a new tooth coming in! Wow, that happened faster than expected, and makes her pretty cranky most of the time and sleeping even harder. She sleeps all through the night, but going down is pretty difficult.
Everything becomes a teething toy

Friday, March 25, 2011
Musings of a Mother
Well a lot has been going on...as well as not going on. Really just depends on the day. On this day, Andrew starts his well deserved Spring Break. I think he's going to spend most of it relaxing, as he should! He's been working really hard.
As for me, I've been working on some of my new year goals. Not as faithful as I'd like, but its still progress of a sort. I'm researching more about photography. Its getting clear that just taking pictures isn't going to work until I learn how to enhance what I have. I also made the goal to get up-to-date on scrap-booking for Bennett and Zoë. They're still really young, so I shouldn't stay behind for long. I have finished Bennett's first year and have Zoë's started. I will admit that sometimes I've gotten a little carried away with it (like the time I stayed up til 4am working on them...), but I had just forgotten how much fun it was to do it!
Bennett is talking more and more. Still mostly gibberish, but more common words are appearing. This past week I learned something, kids can swear, even when they've never been exposed to it. But in this case, its more of trying to say a similar word and not getting it right. Won't tell you the actual word. I just hope he doesn't say it in front of anyone we know!
Zoë is in a unique situation. She is very frustrated with her moving skills. I think she wishes she were more mobile, but physically she just isn't. She can scoot backwards, push up on her knees, but no crawling or going forward. Just rotating in place or moving backwards. She also has not been sleeping well. She usually sleeps in her car seat, but is now starting to reject the sitting position. But if she's put in the pack and play, no matter how tightly she's tucked in, she promptly rolls onto her tummy and cries because she "can't" sleep like that. I hope she figures out what she prefers soon because I sure haven't got a clue!
Bennett and Zoë are very fun together. Now that she is a little older, I think she is beginning to become more aware of Bennett and enjoy him. He loves to say her name a lot and tries to share his toys. The cutest thing happened this morning, Bennett came into our room this morning. He saw Zoë sleeping and he started saying her name over and over. She stirred awake, looked around, saw him and burst into the biggest smile. Just melted my heart! It reminded me of what my mom used to say, how we have who we have in our families for a reason. I hope that they will continue to be close as they grow older.
As for me, I've been working on some of my new year goals. Not as faithful as I'd like, but its still progress of a sort. I'm researching more about photography. Its getting clear that just taking pictures isn't going to work until I learn how to enhance what I have. I also made the goal to get up-to-date on scrap-booking for Bennett and Zoë. They're still really young, so I shouldn't stay behind for long. I have finished Bennett's first year and have Zoë's started. I will admit that sometimes I've gotten a little carried away with it (like the time I stayed up til 4am working on them...), but I had just forgotten how much fun it was to do it!
Bennett is talking more and more. Still mostly gibberish, but more common words are appearing. This past week I learned something, kids can swear, even when they've never been exposed to it. But in this case, its more of trying to say a similar word and not getting it right. Won't tell you the actual word. I just hope he doesn't say it in front of anyone we know!
Zoë is in a unique situation. She is very frustrated with her moving skills. I think she wishes she were more mobile, but physically she just isn't. She can scoot backwards, push up on her knees, but no crawling or going forward. Just rotating in place or moving backwards. She also has not been sleeping well. She usually sleeps in her car seat, but is now starting to reject the sitting position. But if she's put in the pack and play, no matter how tightly she's tucked in, she promptly rolls onto her tummy and cries because she "can't" sleep like that. I hope she figures out what she prefers soon because I sure haven't got a clue!
Bennett and Zoë are very fun together. Now that she is a little older, I think she is beginning to become more aware of Bennett and enjoy him. He loves to say her name a lot and tries to share his toys. The cutest thing happened this morning, Bennett came into our room this morning. He saw Zoë sleeping and he started saying her name over and over. She stirred awake, looked around, saw him and burst into the biggest smile. Just melted my heart! It reminded me of what my mom used to say, how we have who we have in our families for a reason. I hope that they will continue to be close as they grow older.

Saturday, February 26, 2011
Sharing Time
Bennett and Zoë recently got a package. Zoë got a new baby blanket and Bennett got a big bouncy ball that has something inside it that flashes when dropped. Bennett tends to play more independently, but yesterday he wanted to share it with Zoë. She didn't care too much either way, but Bennett seemed really happy. Zoë still loves being on her tummy and spends most of the day on it, until she needs to be flipped over because its too limiting. Bennett loves talking, and is copying more words. I'll try to see if I can get a video of that sometime, and of Zoë talking too. She is very vocal too! Two really talkative kids...no wonder I look forward to nap time! ;)
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
February Update
Here are some new pictures and a video. We are all doing very well. Benny loves running around and yelling (in delight), and Zoë is such a mover. Yesterday she mastered the skill of rolling from her back to her stomach. This is typical, but still really strange. Only because Bennett was on the later end of the gross motor spectrum. It just feels like she's growing up too fast.

She loves playing with the tulle of her Sunday dress

When this picture was taken, Bennett was 31" and Zoë 21", only a 10" difference!

Zoë rolling and Bennett Singing
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Bennett's First Haircut
Bennett has finally reached the point where he needed a haircut. His very first one, its amazing that it hasn't happened already. Someone in our ward cuts hair, so we took him there and got a great deal. His hair is pretty wavy so it took a little while to get everything straightened. And it doesn't appear that he has really lost any baby curls, lucky us! So here is the classic before and after shots. I think he looks great!



Thursday, January 27, 2011
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Christmas part two
Its a good thing I posted some Christmas things earlier, seeing as its taken us this long to finish! But in my defense, we've had a rough couple of weeks. Bennett really enjoyed all of his presents this year, favoring the big construction trucks and the bubble-blowing lawn mower the most. We also had Andrew's family come for the weekend. It was fun seeing everyone and hopefully they had fun in our tiny apartment. They were also able to help participate in Zoë's baby blessing on the 26th. Zoë started to cry during it, every father's nightmare, and was made a little more dramatic when I had to hold Bennett back from rushing to her side with verbal outbursts such as: "Uh oh!" "Baby" and "Help!" It was pretty funny.
Here's the holiday montage highlight:

Here's the holiday montage highlight:
Playing video games

Our Christmas mermaid

Present from Grammie Harvey

Yay for new toys!

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