Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Bennett's First Day in Nursery

There comes a time in every Mormon Mom's life where she can't wait for her child to attend Nursery. And after long last, it was finally Bennett's turn! It was so nice to be able to pick a seat in the room that I didn't have to "screen" for Bennett. Meaning that I wouldn't have to avoid seats in the aisle because it'd be harder to keep Bennett in line. He is past the stage of me being able to hold him in my life, and it isn't because he weighs about 25 lbs now. He just likes to move around and it isn't reasonable for me to expect him to sit still for 3 hours anyway.

He didn't last more than a half hour, which I can't say surprises me. He cries whenever I leave the apartment without him, he's just an attached kid. But what did surprise me, was just how scared the nursery worker looked, almost panicked. He's been teething lately and it appeared that it came on suddenly for now one of his cheeks was flaming red as well as his ear which had a little blood because he had been scratching it. I calmly told her it wasn't anything to worry about and I promptly got this "How could you not be worried about this?! You are the mother right?" kind of look. Granted, I would have done the same if our roles were switched. But we smoothed it over and he spent the day with me. I'd like to say he was good from then on, but he wasn't really. He was just in a tired and grumpy mood. But that's life and hopefully next Sunday, nursery will go more smoothly. But I'm pretty sure it'll take a few more tries before he stays for good.

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

How funny. I look for seats in teh ailse still b/c if Jonathan's still with me (and not in Nursery) then I like to be able to make a quick getaway. When I DO get the chance to be in Sunday School with Lars (which is extremely rare), take up an entire row to block in the rampaging toddler. lol I'm sorry Bennett's having such a had time teething. Poor little guy. =(