We decided to go camping yesterday, the 3 of us. Andrew has been wanting to go camping at Palisades Creek ever since we got married, but we've never been able to get a spot. Its about an hour's drive from here, so its always frustrating to have to turn back. I was pretty convinced we wouldn't find a spot either, especially with the frustrating road construction where we waited for 20 minutes and then poked along for 10 more. But we did succeed in finding a spot! As soon as we started getting settled, Bennett wanted to go to bed! Though he found it pretty hard to in a tent at first. He slept in his car seat and succeeded in sleeping all through the night again! Good boy! He's done it for about a month now. Andrew and I managed to eat some hot dogs before it started to rain. So we retreated to the tent where the boys slept and I read Dilbert comics...I think I'm becoming addicted :) And since this was our first camp out as a bigger family, I really wanted to make it momentful and worthy of scrapbooking. But of course life intervened! :) I had packed everything for smores, only to forget the marshmallows, but more importantly, I forgot to pack our pillows! Good thing I packed extra blankets! We still had fun, even though it had rained the whole time.
When we woke up we decided to break camp early and come home. I was eager to come home for another reason. Before we left to go yesterday, my older brother called to let me know that his wife Crystal had gone into labor. The baby was coming about 2 wks early, she is soooo lucky! Then I was asked if I thought they were going to have a boy or girl, the family was taking a poll. Shawn and Crystal have always wanted to know the gender, but in every sonogram the baby's back was facing the camera. So we've all called the baby Spense because its suspenseful trying to guess the gender. Well, we listened to the messages to find out we had a niece! So exciting! And what is even cooler is that this baby and Bennett are only 6 mths apart! I hope they like each other when they meet!

Aurora Josephine born on June 9th at 6:42pm; 6lbs 3 oz
My brother Tom sent me this picture, I love how my brother is just beaming! He's always acted like a big tough guy, but I'm sure he has a big soft spot for his little girl! :)
1 comment:
Those camping pics are funny. Bennett looks so shocked or surprised about something.
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