As for me, I've been working on some of my new year goals. Not as faithful as I'd like, but its still progress of a sort. I'm researching more about photography. Its getting clear that just taking pictures isn't going to work until I learn how to enhance what I have. I also made the goal to get up-to-date on scrap-booking for Bennett and Zoë. They're still really young, so I shouldn't stay behind for long. I have finished Bennett's first year and have Zoë's started. I will admit that sometimes I've gotten a little carried away with it (like the time I stayed up til 4am working on them...), but I had just forgotten how much fun it was to do it!
Bennett is talking more and more. Still mostly gibberish, but more common words are appearing. This past week I learned something, kids can swear, even when they've never been exposed to it. But in this case, its more of trying to say a similar word and not getting it right. Won't tell you the actual word. I just hope he doesn't say it in front of anyone we know!
Zoë is in a unique situation. She is very frustrated with her moving skills. I think she wishes she were more mobile, but physically she just isn't. She can scoot backwards, push up on her knees, but no crawling or going forward. Just rotating in place or moving backwards. She also has not been sleeping well. She usually sleeps in her car seat, but is now starting to reject the sitting position. But if she's put in the pack and play, no matter how tightly she's tucked in, she promptly rolls onto her tummy and cries because she "can't" sleep like that. I hope she figures out what she prefers soon because I sure haven't got a clue!
Bennett and Zoë are very fun together. Now that she is a little older, I think she is beginning to become more aware of Bennett and enjoy him. He loves to say her name a lot and tries to share his toys. The cutest thing happened this morning, Bennett came into our room this morning. He saw Zoë sleeping and he started saying her name over and over. She stirred awake, looked around, saw him and burst into the biggest smile. Just melted my heart! It reminded me of what my mom used to say, how we have who we have in our families for a reason. I hope that they will continue to be close as they grow older.